AFTER attending the meeting of Malvern Town Council at the Abbey Hotel last Wednesday evening, I must at least express my feelings of utter disgust! Certain members of this council are obviously completely irresponsible and led by a mayor who cannot even run a meeting properly.

Excellent speeches were made by both councillors Keith Phillips and Roger Hall-Jones. Unfortunately, while their efforts were very much to the point, they were ignored by the rest of the council members, obviously because they were making very valid points which were too embarrassing to members of the council's old guard, and particularly the 'gang of four'.

An auditor's report which has taken nine months to complete at a cost of £9,500 has raised certain points but apportions no blame, why not when it is so obvious where the blame lies? Perhaps the author did not want to ruffle any more feathers.

It was more than obvious at this meeting that once again the majority of the public would like to see a number of this town council resign and more so those co-opted councillors. Are they so thick skinned that they cannot see that they are not wanted? Or is it that they take their roles or ideas from a certain Mr Stephen Byers.

It is perfectly obvious that these councillors have not got the acumen to be responsible for the amounts of money that are being squandered. In any company they would long ago have been fired. Please go before you make the situation worse! You are not wanted and certainly not needed.

MIKE CHARLES, Somers Park Avenue, Malvern.