Alarm bells should be sounding loudly after reading your front page story (Malvern Gazette, May 3) concerning Malverns Theatres.

In recent times MHDC has done little to gain the confidence of the public, so when its chief executive Chris Bocock says "this is about making sure that the theatres continue to go from strength to strength," one can only wonder what is afoot.

As far as I am aware, the theatre is almost the only concern which is going from strength to strength.

He continues: "We've got to demonstrate...that we're getting the best value we can from what we spend".

The Best Value review would be doing more useful work if it investigated the actual MHDC, rather than causing unnecessary worry over what might be in the pipeline for Malvern's most valuable and much-envied asset.

When all three venues at the theatres complex have full houses on the same evening - a frequent occurrence - the buzzing atmosphere is wonderful and stimulating and proves the entertainment on offer is what the public want. It's the most crowded public place for miles around, by far.

To know that Nic Lloyd is being left in the dark over what is being discussed is beyond belief and gives rise to greater suspicion.

By the way, the Ambassador Theatre Group took over Birmingham's Alexandra. Compare then and now in that example.

There should be open discussions NOW - later it will be a fait accompli.

Jill Hopkins, Picken End, Hanley Swan.