ON Saturday, May 18, the benefice church youth group, Outer Limits, will be meeting at Longdon vicarage from 7pm-9pm. In addition to the normal games, food and conversation there will be a presentation on Spring Harvest 2003, to which it is hoped that many of the young people will be able to go

On Sunday, May 19, there will be a Worcestershire Farmer's Market at the Hunter's Inn, Longdon, 11am-2pm to be opened by Sir Michael Spicer MP. In addition to the produce on sale there will be musical entertainment and Sunday lunches served. At 11.15am the benefice Sunday School - Bridge Builders - will be meeting at Longdon Vicarage for Bible readings, songs, prayers, craft activities and refreshments. The theme will be 'Jesus .... And the way to go'.

Also on Sunday parishioners are invited to attend a Deanery service at Upton Parish Church at 3pm to launch the deanery appeal entitled 'Who cares?' This project is being undertaken in association with All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi to support the work of Anajali School, Nairobi. The aim is to provide £5,000, good quality children's books and clothing over the next year, for a newly established primary school in Kibera, a slum of Nairobi.

The service in St Mary's Church on Sunday will be Evening Prayer at 6.30pm using the Book of Common Prayer. The service will include hymns, sung canticles, said psalm and address.

On Monday, May 20, the church choir will be rehearsing iat St Mary's Church at 6.30pm under the direction of Wendy Thompson and accompanied by Edward Lane, organist. New members, of any age or voice are always welcome.

On Wednesday, May 22, at 7.30pm in Upton Parish Church the churchwardens for Longdon parish, Roger Woodward and Barbara Young will be admitted to office by the Archdeacon of Worcester, the Venerable Dr Joy Tetley, at a special service to mark the occasion.

Longdon village fete will be held on the recreation field and/or in the Village Hall on Saturday, May 25 at 2.30pm. The traditional stalls and attractions will include games, raffles, tombola, hoopla, plants, cakes, white elephant, teas, pony rides, books and skittles. Maypole and country dancing by children from Longdon St Mary's School will begin at 3.45pm.

The fete will lead on to a Golden Jubilee 'bring and share' tea and party for everyone in the community, beginning at 4.30pm. All villagers are invited to bring a plate of food, plus their own cold drinks and to wear red, white and blue or period costume. Tea and coffee will be provided. Entertainment will include maypole dancing and music from the 1950s. It is hoped that every child under 18, who comes and is resident in the parish or attends Longdon School, playgroup or Brownies will receive a Golden Jubilee medallion.