THE Forthampton flower festival weekend in aid of St Mary the Virgin Church was a great success, all the hard work and planning for this event was well worth it. The weekend events started on Friday evening with a preview in church of the beautiful and creative flower displays followed by an organ recital given by resident organist Arthur Lawrence.

On Saturday, the festival started in earnest with the flower festival, exhibition and a street fair with stalls, games, skittles and many other attractions. Tewkesbury's town crier honoured us with his presence, walking through the village announcing the events taking place. Sunday was a quieter day but in the evening there was a good attendance at the Rogational Songs of Praise service at which a framed list of incumbents dating from 1544 to the present day was dedicated. Three previous incumbents and their wives joined us for the service. On Monday, the church and exhibition again attracted a lot of visitors as did Forthampton Court and grounds, which were open from 10.30am to 4pm. Musicians played in the Great Hall, a magician entertained the children and grown ups between 1.30pm and 3.30pm. There was also skittles, tombola and a plant stall. At 4pm the grand raffle was drawn the prize winners were: 1 £100 - Janet Peters, 2 Gerry Blakeway, 3 Bruce Andrew, 4 Kelly Brown, 5 Mrs M Lewis, 6 The Vicar, 7 Coralie Hogg, 8 Stuart Saunders, 9 Philip Warner. A grand total of over £3,000 was raised over the three day festival. A big thank you goes to the organisers of this event and all those who helped in any way to make the festival such a success.

Fortnightly whist drive winners: Phyllis Priday, Jessie Windle, Mary Russell, Elsie Hawkes, Gill Ivin, Glennis Kimpton, Georgina Townsend, Malcolm Harley, Molly Abbott, Peter Bullock, Pat Gisby, Tony Teale, Audrey Peters, Gary Quiney. Next date: Wednesday, 8pm.

The mobile police station will visit Forthampton on Sunday, May 26, at 2.15pm, moving to Chaceley at 3.25pm.