A DEVASTATED woman has spoken of how she "cried her heart out" after thieves stole her pet birds for a second time.

Trudy Stirzaker said one of the stolen birds was called Orville - the son of her cockerel Percival, who was stolen in June last year.

The heartbroken woman had only just got over the theft of Percival and her other hens when thieves struck again.

"Orville was just an egg when Percival was stolen," said the 29-year-old.

"I was devastated and cried my heart out both mornings I discovered the birds gone."

Mrs Stirzaker, a self-employed secretary, said three Pekins, two Buff Orpington, one Silkie and one North Holland Blue were stolen over the night of Thursday, May 9.

She said although the hens and cockerel were rare breeds they were not worth much money.

"We have no rare birds left now," she said.

"We will be offering a substantial reward for anyone who gives us information that leads to their safe return."

Mrs Stirzaker, of New Road, Doverdale, near Ombersley, said she and her husband Ian knew something was wrong straight away because the remaining birds were wandering round the field.

"I believe the thieves got in through the nest box," said a police spokeswoman.

Anyone who has information about the thefts should contact PC Al Birkett on 01905 723888, quoting c585091.