M BURCHER informed us (You Say, April 27) that if Tony Blair wanted to be President of Europe he would have "put his name forward for election, together with all the other candidates".

So there is to be a President of Europe then ? So the European Union really isn't a trading bloc after all but an embryonic Federal State ? Maybe I'm losing touch, but I don't recall being invited to vote in the European Presidential Elections.

Mr Blair emphatically denies that the European Union has federal objectives. It would appear' however, according to M Burcher, that Mr Blair isn't exactly telling the whole story.

If there is to be a President of Europe, Blair or someone else, then the European Union is to become a Federal State by definition, something which most of us knew anyway.

If M Burcher wants to see the UK cease to exist in favour of a Federal EU, then fair enough, he/she is entitled to his/her opinion.

I do think, however, that the time has come for Tony Blair and his friends to stop their persistent prevaricating about Europe and just be honest.

Is it too much to ask that the British people be allowed to make up their mind based upon honest and unbiased debate instead of the deceitful spin fed to us by this disgraceful excuse for a Government ?

