Time Stops for No Mouse, by Michael Hoeye

(Puffin £9.99.)

HERMUX Tantamoq is a clever mouse.

His dainty, but hardworking fingers repair the clocks and watches of the town.

All his demands in life are ordinary. Doughnuts, coffee, peaceful evenings at home with his pet ladybird. All that changes when a beautiful watch, accompanied by an equally beautiful owner. Linka Perflinger was insistent that the watch be repaired immediately.

Ruefully, Hermux explained that it would take time to repair such an exquisite timepiece, and he had other customers waiting for their clocks and watches to be finished.

Linka was brusque at the implied criticism. "Occupational hazard." was her reply.

"It will be ready by lunchtime tomorrow - if that is alright." said Hermux.

Later in the day, when reading the paper he found a picture of Linka, standing beside an aeroplane in the jungle. Little did he know of the disruption Linka was going to cause to his quiet ordered life.

Next day an unpleasant rat called to collect the watch, and Hermux, suspicious and fearing something is amiss, follows him. He soon finds himself surrounded by intrigue and deception.

He must be intrepid, resourceful and vigilant if he is to rescue Linka Perflinger and in the process find out just what kind of a mouse he is.

This super children's novel is Michael Hoeye's first, and, if this is anything to go by, it will be the first of many.

It is an absolute delight.

Annie Dendy