THE only people defending Tory policies in Worcester these days are the so-called "Independents", especially Brian Hunt, the man who gives us the benefit of his opinions on practically everything.

It's a pity he and his colleagues find libraries too posh an idea for ordinary Worcester folk. He should look at the reading figures - they tell a very different story.

We use the service extensively and, after years of waiting, the time has come for a proper Worcester central library.

It had been firmly promised and that's the promise the present county council is trying to break.

We shouldn't put up with it.



n AS we all know, Worcester Royal Infirmary is now closed.

I'm led to understand that everything that remains, including beds, mattresses, tables, chairs, all other furniture, expensive usable medical equipment and so on, now belongs to the developer! Why? I would ask.

Surely, since it all belonged to the nation, it could have been containered up and shipped to one of our poorer Commonwealth countries and given to them free of charge.

Why let any developer sell it to the higher bidder and make a fortune?

It might have cost us a few million pounds to ship it out to a deserving country but, if we can give quite literally billions away every year to countries within the EU, then a few million is nothing.

I stand to be corrected on this and would be pleased to hear any comments.

I can only assume that everything at Ronkswood is also going to line the developers' pockets.


Fernhill Heath, Worcester.