YOUNG people are set to sample life on the streets in Bewdley when they spend a night sleeping rough to raise money for homeless children across the world.

Fifteen sponsored members of St Anne's Youth Group will be settling down in their cardboard boxes on Sunday night, aiming to raise at least £500 for projects to support "street children" in England, South America and South Africa. Sarah Francis, Kayleigh Morris, Megan Barrett, Beth Crich, and, front, Helen Bodsworth prepare to sleep rough in Bewdley.

The youngsters, who range in age from 12 to 18, will sleep on the pavement outside Bewdley Museum in Load Street.

Youth and family worker Lynn Pocock, who will be supervising the event, said: "They will have sleeping bags and cardboard shelters because it will be very cold - and they have got to be in school on Tuesday!"

Sponsorship forms are available from St Anne's Church Centre.