HM QUEEN MOTHER: On behalf of the Parish Council and villagers, a letter was sent to the Queen on the death of the Queen Mother. Maurice Andrews has received a reply from the private secretary - 'The Queen has been deeply touched by the many messages of sympathy received after the death of her mother, Queen Elizabeth. Her Majesty would like to thank all those who have so kindly sent words of comfort at this sad time.'

WEDNESDAY CLUB: The two April meetings were again well-attended and much enjoyed. For the first 'Me When Young' brought back memories of childhood when members displayed photographs of themselves when young and other members were invited to identify 'who was who'. This was followed by a Beetle Drive organised by Connie Griffiths.

For the second meeting Mr Keith Robinson, aided by many slides, explained and described preparations for the Derbyshire Well-Dressing Custom.

Meetings for May are: 'Artistry in Wool' by Mrs Jenny Thwaites; 'Life in the Past Through Magic Lanterns' by Mr and Mrs Peter Averis; and on May 29 a visit to Berkeley Castle.

PRIMARY SCHOOL: The village school has been awarded the 2002 Schools Achievement Award for a high-performing primary school. The parents, staff and governors have worked hard to improve the school environment and to raise the educational standards and deserve our congratulations.

GOLDEN JUBILEE QUIZ: Fund-raising in the village continues and following the successful coffee morning which raised £560 the recent quiz conducted by Steve Ford, Neville Jelfs and Phil Bennett raised £157. Secretary Jennie Bond wishes to thank all for their support.

CHRISTIAN AID: House-to-House Collection Week is from May 12 to May 18 and the theme this year is 'Trade for Life'. On May 12 a 'Churches Together' service will be held in St Peter's and its theme will be the work of Christian Aid. David Ingles on telephone 853400 would be pleased to hear from anyone willing to join the band of collectors.

TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP: At the last meeting the Rev Stephen Mullins spoke on not dwelling on the things past but having hope for the future trusting in God. The speaker for the next meeting will be Dr David Arthey.

BELL-RINGING: Sessions for those wishing to learn to ring Church Bells have started and anyone wishing to join in and try to learn this ancient activity is invited to call David Hammond on 853732.

VILLAGE APPRAISAL: A small group has been formed to prepare a village appraisal and seeking villagers' views on environment, housing, transport, jobs, recreation, health and other local issues. Questionnaires and meetings are being arranged and details may be obtained from the group leader, Phil Keatley (852339).

PARISH WALKS: To meet popular demand walks will be in the evenings during spring and summer. The next walk will be on Monday, May 20 at the Jubilee Tree at 6.45pm for a 3-4 mile gentle walk. Enquiries to Ruth Daintith (853845).

JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS: A very full programme of events covering several days in June is being organised by many village groups and individuals. A full detailed programme will be issued shortly. The next meeting will be held in the village hall on Friday, May 10.