THOSE sickened at the horrific violence meted out by Lee are likely to be shocked by the response of a charity which runs a refuge for battered wives and their children.

Judge Michael Mott, who sent down Lee this week for his evil attacks on his pregnant wife, said he had never before experienced such a case of prolonged torture.

But Lucy Plowright, refuge co-ordinator for Wyre Forest Women's Aid, said: "Unfortunately we deal with similar cases to this on a regular basis.

"While the violence may appear severe we would suggest the case is very typical of those experienced by our service users."

She said many women who turned to the organisation for help reported the abuse started when they were pregnant, or that it increased in severity and frequency during pregnancy.

She added: Wyre Forest Women's Aid welcomes this responsible sentencing and would urge that this type of sentence should be the norm, not the exception."

She said women victims of violence were often coerced through fear into lying to protect their abuser and added: "This case clearly indicates the need for effective support services.

"At present we offer refuge accommodation, outreach and children's support services."

The refuge can be contacted by telephoning its helpline on 0800 980 3331.