Alcester safely negotiated the preliminary and first rounds of the Heart of England league Cup competition at the expense of Wootten Hall B and Black Horse.

And the B team disposed of Henley B and Austin RBL B on their way to the second round.

Not to be out-done the over-60s team also proceeded through to the first round of their cup competition with an easy preliminary round victory over Moseley CC 'B'.

In the Yardley Wood League Cup, Alcester are safely through the first round after pulling off a shock win against Division Two side Yardley Wood Social Club.

In the Northfield League, newly-promoted Alcester drew their first match at home against Romsley, on points 7-3.

In the return match, Alcester turned in a convincing performance to win away by 26 shots and their five individual winners gave them league points of eight to Romsley's three.