THREE children, believed to be aged ten to 14, who cruelly beat a lamb in a field at a farm in Bromsgrove and left it so badly maimed it had to be destroyed, have been described as "heartless and callous."

The incident, which has shocked the owner, and police, who are searching for the culprits - happened on Monday at about 6.15pm at Foxwalks Farm, in Grafton Lane, off Worcester Road.

The animal, which suffered two broken legs, was discovered by a woman walking her dog and who reported it to Jean Newell, whose husband owns the farm.

A police spokeswoman said a witness reported seeing three children, a girl aged about ten, and two boys, aged between 12 and 14, in the field - possibly kicking the animal or beating it with a stick.

An upset Mrs Newell said: "We are shocked that our lamb has been attacked in this way and it is even more distressing to be told that it could have been children that carried out this heartless act.

"As farmers we do become fond of our animals. I cannot help but think how that poor lamb suffered during this attack.

"We hope anyone who knows anything about it will speak to the police in order to prevent other animals from being hurt in future."

Inspector Stuart McMillan, of Bromsgrove police, said: "This was a callous act on a poor defenceless creature."

He went on to say the vet who was called to tend the animal found an old injury on its leg which may have hampered its escape from its attackers.

The RSPCA have been notified.

Appealing for more information he said: "It may be the children bragged to other youngsters about the attack or maybe they came home quite distressed at what has happened."

They are also keen to hear from the woman who had a white Westie terrier who left before police could take her details.

Anyone with information should ring Bromsgrove police on 01527 584888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.