A LAMB had to be destroyed after a gang of sick youngsters broke two of its legs by kicking it and hitting it with a stick.

A woman walking her dog claimed she saw a girl, aged around 10, and two boys, aged between 12 and 14, attacking the tiny creature in a field near Bromsgrove.

The witness, who police are desperate to trace, spoke of the sick trio "kicking or hitting the lamb with a stick".

But the woman, who had a West Highland Terrier, left without leaving her details.

The lamb suffered two fractured femurs and had to be destroyed following the beating, which happened at Fox Walk Farm, in Grafton Lane, at about 6.15pm on Monday.

"This was a callous act on a poor defenceless creature," said Insp Stuart McMillan, of Redditch police.

"It's all the more shocking to us that a witness has reported that young children are possible suspects."

Devastated Jean Newell, whose husband owns the farm, reported the attack to the police. The RSPCA has also been informed.

"We're so shocked that our lamb has been attacked in this way," said Mrs Newell.

"It's even more distressing to be told that it could've been children that carried out this heartless act.

"I cannot help but think how that poor lamb suffered during this attack. We hope anyone who knows anything about this speaks to the police."

The vet who treated the lamb believed it would have suffered several blows.

"He said he was appalled that youngsters would be able to carry out such an attack, and that he would have thought children of this age would have called for help if they'd seen a lamb in distress," added Insp McMillan.

Police are urging anyone with information to contact them.

"It may be that the children have bragged to other youngsters about this attack. Or it may be that they came home quite distressed."

The woman walking her dog, or anyone else with information on the attack, is urged to contact Redditch police on 01527 584888, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.