I DEPLORE the phrase GOBSMACKED but could not believe what insanity can have prompted the idea to close the only pedestrian access to the far platform.

For those of us ladies of "mature" years who travel alone, are unable to hump suitcases up that long flight of steps and down again this was the only way to board the train.

Railways do not provide any staff other than those to "take the money" and look the other way. Why have change for changes sake?

Do people sit around thinking of ways to make life difficult? For those of us who try to remain independent it was possible to arrive at the station by taxi, cross the level crossing and hey presto! Now it will be necessary to ask someone else "assist" us yet again, and why, we are told it is for safety reasons.

Well I have lived here all my life and have never heard of any accident at this crossing, surely management would be better employed ensuring that just once now and then the toilets and washbasins were cleaned, not to mention the washroom floors when the year old urine stains truly are a safety hazard.

Rail travel is expensive, uncertain, unclean, unsatisfactory all round and now it would seem unavailable to some of us. Will some groups supporting those who are disabled lobby against the above with me? I am fortunate in that I am totally mobile but restricted but for wheelchair passengers this is truly a disaster.

SHEILA COOK, Badsey, Evesham.