As you reported last week, the village of Harvington is no more against the creation of Max Byrd's golf course any more than they were originally against the creation of Max Byrd's fishing lakes. The total opposition would only arise if the bunkers were to be created by the country's largest quarrying company!

R.M.C. try to assure us that they're just landscape gardeners - we'll hardly know that they are there! However residents of Harvington have very bad memories of quarrying; the dust, noise and lorry movements make a most unpleasant neighbour - such activity should just not be allowed so close to a village.

The Village Council, elected to fight against the anomaly of a quarry pretending to be a fishing lake, have fought shoulder to shoulder (80% of residents support) against this commercial vandalism of their outskirts.

R.M.C. quite patently see Harvington Quarry as the key to the golden oyster of Avon Valley gravel (the potential financial rewards are mega - the environmental damage total). They need the advantage of being 'on site' as the next 10 year County Minerals Plan is considered by the County Council.

We have no doubt that Councillors on the County Planning & Regulation Committee will see through this transparency and will insist that R.M.C. use the correct channels for minerals extraction - a 105,000 ton dig is a quarry not a bunker! And for that you need to apply for full and open planning permission.

John Jenkinson, Evesham Hotel, Evesham