SMALL businesses in Herefordshire and Worcestershire are being offered the chance to make it big in the market.

They are have an opportunity to set up Business Alliances through the Business Link network.

A Business Alliance is a grouping of complementary businesses that have identified a common commercial aim and are prepared to pool resources.

It allows them to achieve business objectives that would otherwise be beyond them as individual companies.

The concept has proved its worth in the West of England, where there are now 20 limited liability Alliance companies, with turnover ranging from £1m to £65m.

They cover most industrial sectors, from construction to catering and from marquees to marketing.

The benefits include access to new markets, increased turnover and margins, increased financial security, access to technology and skills, economies of scale in purchasing and enhanced market credibility.

"This is a highly innovative approach to growth that could be the next big thing for the small business sector," said Peter Downing, Business Alliance adviser.

"With combined buying and marketing power, small firms can achieve what they could never even attempt on their own.

"Alliances can provide access to wider markets, links to a broader technology and skills base and open the door to funds as well as reducing risk.

"Clearly, increased turnover is a primary aim but with that critical mass can come better profit margins."

Companies should call 0117 973 7373 for further information on the National Business Alliance Service.