As a mark of respect for the Queen Mother, members held a minute's silence prior to the April meeting.

Mamble hosted the spring group meeting, attended by members from all institutes in the group.

Hazel West gave a flower arranging demonstration called Spring Delights.

Nita Shaw reported on the recent council meeting.

Names and payment for the outing to Windsor are required by the June meeting.

On Thursday May 2, a fashion show at Mamble village hall for institute funds will commence at 7.30 pm

Time for Tea was the title of June Firkins' talk. She traced the history of tea from its origins in China. Its popularity grew through the centuries, first with royalty and then becoming the people's drink. Illustrating her talk, she also showed members several unusual teapots, caddies and spoons.

Resolutions will be discussed at the meeting on Monday, May 13 at 7.30pm in Mamble village hall.