At the April 9 meeting the outgoing chairman handed the chain of office to new chairman Audrey Spells, who also received the trophy for the highest number of marks for competitions held over the year.

Jeanne Owen was the guest speaker, on 50 Years Behind the Counter. She later judged the competition.

Two minutes silence was observed at 11.30am in respect of the Queen Mother.

Some members will be attending the Federation annual meeting on May 15.

Edna Plimley Rodriguez told of the Federation lunch on July 29, and said the date of the annual guild outing has been changed to August 20.

On May 14 the speaker will be David Beaston with A Look Behind the Scenes at Dudley Zoo. The competition will be for zoo animal figurines.

Members old and new will be welcome at St Ambrose Church Hall, Leswell Street, Kidderminster.