Anne Mace and Dot Davis have joined the committee to help Sue Stone with produce and handicrafts, enabling Sue to concentrate on social outings.

Names were taken for the rally at Perdiswell and for the group meeting at Franche.

The skittles team won all six matches, and are waiting to hear if they have qualified for the semi-final.

The jubilee dinner is on June 13.

Sheila Grant reported on the annual council meeting, where the group's shoebox for The Gambia was handed in.

The main speaker was Kay Alexander.

Habberley are supporting the barbecue on July 6 with contributions for the bottle stall.

The April speaker was Mrs E Freeman, on Ribbon work. She had brought along many examples of her craft.

The date of the next meeting has been changed, and will now be on Thursday, May 9.

Members are asked to bring bottles for the stall, and knickers for The Gambia, the next WI project.