GRAHAM Whitefoot is a self-employed electrician, married with two children, who lives in Bewdley Road, Stourport.

Graham has always lived locally, apart from time doing National Service.

He was a committee member of Stourport Carnival Society for many years. A supporter of many local and national charities, he is presently trustee of a local charity helping handicapped people.

Graham says: "I am a life-long socialist and trade unionist. If elected, I cannot promise any miracles, but I will be an active ward councillor. In the council chamber I will strive to bring an end to "double charging".

"By this unjust arrangement, Council Tax payers in Stourport have to pay more than those elsewhere in Wyre Forest. Also, I am dismayed that the present coalition running the district council has imposed new financial burdens while drastically cutting services.

"I believe my Labour colleagues and I would run the council more effectively."