A CLASS to bring out people's hidden creative side has proved so successful in Kidderminster it is opening its doors in Stourport.

Art for the Terrified started last May in Broadwaters Community Centre to encourage people who do not see themselves as artistic to experiment with different styles and mediums. Stephanie Connolly and Jo Lees show how it's done.

Stephanie Connolly, who founded the group with fellow artist Jo Lees, said it had exceeded expectations and a new class will start in Stourport at the end of the month for people who cannot make Kidderminster's evening session.

"It's an informal, fun club for anyone who wants to have a go," said Mrs Connolly, of Springfield Lane, Kidderminster.

"We teach techniques in all different mediums - like oils or pastels.

"There are all ages and abilities. Some people are really good and some are beginners. We can see from when they started in May how well they've come on."

She added: "People are surprised by what they are capable of. They may not be suited to one medium but if they use another one they're brilliant at it.

"Art isn't just about watercolours."

The new weekly class in Stourport starts on Tuesday at Stourport Library and lasts from 10am until noon. For details, contact Jo Lees on 01562 631066.