KEITH has been selected as the Conservative candidate for Aggborough and Spennells. The Labour Government has again reduced its grant to Wyre Forest District Council. This has forced the present council to not only increase council tax, but to cut services.

Keith said: "As a Conservative I am still strongly opposed to the siting of an incinerator on the Stourport Road. I am well aware of the problems this may cause our ward.

"I support all efforts to bring more life into Kidderminster, a cinema, improved public transport, both rail and bus, and sufficient car parking facilities.

"I am disgusted with the state of Kidderminster with its fly posting, graffiti and rundown empty shops. I will press for a clean up of our town.

"Many people have written to me or phoned me about various problems and concerns that they have.

"If they are still unsolved they will be my first priority when elected."