DAVE Finch (Letters, April 11) has misconstrued what I wrote in my original letter on traffic-calming.

I don't decry the aims of the Government, just their methodology. Speed bumps aren't good for pollution or congestion - quite the opposite.

But just in case he loses on the safety argument he throws a spurious environmental one into the mix.

For the record, transport produces a fifth - not a third - of man-made CO2 emissions. That figure include buses and trains and man-made emissions account for just 3.5 per cent of global CO2 emissions - the rest are naturally occurring.

Meanwhile, self-righteous KA Rees (also Letters, April 11) who has never broken a speed limit, believes speed limits are a perfect solution.

With pedestrian and traffic densities, lighting and weather conditions, driver abilities and vehicle conditions varying so widely, how can a fixed speed limit be appropriate at all times?


Fox Lane, Menithwood