WELL, the road from Aston Somerville is open once again. And well done to the boys from the black stuff for a job of which even Yosser would be proud.

Whose idea was the patchwork quilt design? Nice touch! Oh, and are the potholes you've left just there to add a bit of rustic charm? Never mind, it's only taken nine weeks instead of the scheduled six.

Mind you, that extra five mile excursion through the countryside did have its calming effects.

I was thinking of taking the kids to Alton Towers this weekend, but there's no need now.

I've got my own white knuckle ride on the doorstep.

I'm off to the car showroom instead, as a 4 x 4 is called for to fully appreciate the 'highs' and 'lows' of the ride. Sadly the poor old Volvo's suspension just ain't quite up to it these days.

GEORGE ROWLINSON, Broadway Road, Aston Somerville.