ROTARY CLUB: The club is now 12 years old and has made its mark in the local community. Locally they have supported five schools, sports clubs, toddler groups, Campden Home Nursing, Scouts and Girl Guides including the Baden Powell Centre, Moreton Hospital Paramedic Ambulance to which one of their members has reason to be particularly grateful, and many more.

Local youngsters have been sponsored, for example one for fencing and another to attend the Girl Guide Jamboree in Iceland. The Indian Disaster Appeal and Nepal Trust have also been supported.

All this costs money and the club have great fun raising it with concerts, Lands End to John O'Groats runs in a 75-year-old Austin Seven. More recently the Vintage and Classic Car Show was organised. The Victorian Fair and the Primary School Public Speaking competition continue. There is also a toy collection for distribution to less fortunate children at Christmas.

The club is part of the community, the members all live in the community and they like to believe they can serve the community and play their part in it. This cannot be done on their own and they are most fortunate in that the community actively supports them and for this they are most grateful.

They could not fulfil their Rotary motto 'Service Before Self' or be the Little Club with a Big Heart without the members of the community.

The club meets every Thursday evening at the Lygon Arms.