THE prospect of spending my evening watching an "alien film" didn't exactly inspire me but the pull of the talented Kevin Spacey -- a revelation in the Usual Suspects -- was too much to resist.

And although I left UGC's Great Park Cinema, in Rubery, after a preview showing of K-PAX with the sitting on the fence "that was interesting" expression on my lips I certainly wasn't disappointed.

The movie, based on a Gene Brewer novel, stars Hollywood class acts Kevin Spacey (American Beauty) and Jeff Bridges (The Last Picture Show, Starman) in what is essentially a film about two men sitting down talking.

It tells the tale of a mystery stranger (Spacey) who claims to be an alien visitor from the planet K-PAX and the clinical psychiatrist (Bridges) trying to work out his new patient's story and break his "delusional" state.

Strange things

The film keeps us in suspense as we go on a journey with Bridges' as his doubts about Spacey's story begin to fade when strange things start to happen.

The story moves along slowly but I found myself gripped by intrigue as the puzzle unfolded - could he really be an alien?

Spacey's performance as Prot and Bridges' excellent portrayal of the troubled psychologist with his own demons saves the film because the story does not match their talent.

An interesting film, which by its very nature will keep you watching until the end, but it certainly won't be appearing in any top 100 film lists.

l K-PAX is currently showing at UGC's Great Park Cinema in Rubery.

For more information about show times call the cinema on 0870 907 0726.