I WRITE with reference to recent reports concerning the Kingfisher Centre.

First we hear it is proposed to demolish Car Park 4, the best maintained car park in town, to make way for a cinema complex (Advertiser, April 10).

Have Thornfield forgotten that Redditch's only cinema closed because it wasn't viable?

Then we are told parking charges are set to rise on May 1.

For people working in the Kingfisher Centre, they will incur a 10 per cent rise to £2.20 per day.

For the rest of us who work just outside the centre, we will have a 60 per cent rise to £4 per day.

To qualify for this 'discount' we have to park in Car Park 3 - the filthiest and worst maintained car park in town.

Centre manager Phil Berry says shoppers must have priority over town centre workers.

Doesn't he realise that shoppers won't pay the increased charges of £10 per day to shop in Redditch?

He also believes Redditch will be one of the finest shopping centres in the Midlands and compares it to Touchwood. Oh good, does that mean we will have John Lewis, Beatties, Lakeland, Monsoon etc etc. instead of the cheap and nasty shops we have now?

Redditch will become a ghost town.

Penny Dunscombe

Lineholt Close

Oakenshaw South