WHY does the Evening News only print negative information and misinformation about asylum seekers?

Immigrants to this country work hard, are often the most dynamic and enterprising of people and they pay more in taxes than they consume in public services.

People claiming asylum in Britain are prevented from working by the Government and therefore, if they are not detained, are forced to claim the two thirds income support up until now payable in vouchers.

Most asylum seekers have fled appaling persecution, torture and death threats in their native countries.

Genuine asylum seekers are "illegal immigrants" by definition because of the draconian laws passed by this government and its predecessor. It is virtually impossible to legally claim asylum in Britain; the only way to do so is to apply for a visa in your native country from the government that is persecuting you.

Asylum seekers are not "bogus", "scroungers", or "criminals". They are vulnerable people who present no threat to the people of Throckmorton.

If the asylum centre at Throckmorton does get built the last thing we need is xenophobic hostility from locals towards the detainees.

KATE WILDISH, Worcester.