A MOVE to speed up preparations for Malvern's Golden Jubilee celebrations has been agreed by Malvern Town Council.

Councillors meeting on Thursday (January 10) also voted to start the process of booking brass bands for Sunday afternoon concerts in Priory Park during the summer in order to ensure a repeat of the "outstanding success" of last year's programme.

The town council rescued the 'bands in the park' tradition with funding after the loss of financial support from Malvern Hills District Council in 2000.

Coun Graham Myatt (Trinity), who tabled both motions, explained that despite the fact money had already been set aside for both, he wanted to make sure arrangements are made as soon as possible.

Speaking about the jubilee celebrations after the meeting, he said: "What I was keen to do is not let it drag on because the longer we leave it, the fewer opportunities we will have to do something really exciting. It's very important for community relations."

Mayor Whinray Coates, speaking at the meeting, said that Malvern was already behind with deciding how and when to celebrate in comparison with other communities.

The format jubilee celebrations will take has not yet been decided but the £5,000 set aside could be put into a special fund to give grants to individual projects, as was the case at the Millennium.

Coun Ann Silk (Link) suggested that the Bands in the Park format be looked at, pointing out that during September of last year "it was a bit cold to be sitting out". She raised the question of whether seating should be provided.

Coun Pat Mewton (Langland) and Coun Silk were both asked to oversee the process, but it will be down to acting town clerk Rosemary Lansdowne and her successor Shirley Young, who begins her new role next month, to start booking bands.
