THE news Malvern Hills District Council is considering reviving the role of town centre manager two years after it axed the post, while ironic, strikes us as a potentially positive step.

While it is understandable some should be cynical about yet more expenditure when the Council Tax has risen so much in recent years, with the right person in the role it can attract substantial grants into town centres which are crying out for some promotional investment.

Although some businesses are thriving in Malvern town centre, and have for many years, we can't help but agree with the comments of Coun Bryan Smith in last week's Malvern Gazette that when you look at all its assets Malvern should be one of the most prosperous areas in the country.

With imagination, hard work and a little investment we are sure it can be.

n WE would like to point out that the crossword solution published in last week's Gazette was not the winning entry by Mrs Audrey Morgan. Her answer to 45 across was quite correctly 'in a pear tree' not 'peer tree' as was published in the paper.