SINCE the announcement at the beginning of December about the possible commercial take over of Malvern Theatres subsequent developments, if any, have been shrouded in secrecy.

It is not even clear whether the discussions with the Ambassadors Theatre Group are about the management of the theatres or the sale of the Winter Gardens complex.

According to Sharon Grey, MHDC economic and tourism officer, these discussions came out of a Best Value Review. But how is Best Value being measured?

The first class events held at the Winter Gardens attract theatre, concert and cinema goers from well outside the district boundaries. These visitors spend money at the theatres and in the town; money which helps the economy of the district. Is the value of this outside income known and is it being taken into account in the Best Value equation?

Also, are any other options being considered? For example, by how much would ticket prices have to increase in order to retain independent theatres without the MHDC grant?

Furthermore, are all aspects of a transfer of management to an outside group being considered? Will the Malvern Theatres Association continue to enjoy its present relationships with a new management and will its front house volunteers still be welcomed? What will be the position of the Vineyard Restaurant and bars? Will amateur productions be allowed? What about the venues for the English Symphony Orchestra and the Malvern Concert Club? Will those businesses which currently support the theatres still continue with their support when the theatres are under commercial management? In spite of the need to make a profit will there be any guarantee that ticket prices will not rise? Finally, will such a transfer infringe on the basis on which the Lottery monies for the Winter Gardens refurbishments were granted?

We are very fortunate here in Malvern in having a wonderful theatres complex; one of only five provincial theatres which has pre and post-West End productions as well as first class shows at The Forum.

As regular visitors to the theatres my wife and I believe we already get Best Value. There is an old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". How true. So will the Council, please, allow the theatres to remain independent under the current management.

R J CULCHETH, Barnards Green Road, Malvern.