THE horticultural society met in January for the AGM. This meeting was very well supported, Mr G N Rose was elected as chairman, Mrs Pat Jacobs as secretary and Barry Sharples, of Bosbury, was elected as treasurer for the coming year.

The formal part of the meeting was followed by a wonderful show of slides by John Tate. The next meeting of the society will be held on Wednesday, February 13, in the memorial hall, when the subject will be The Kitchen Garden. Rhe speaker Jane Roberts, from near Winchcombe. Everyone is welcome to attend, although there will be a small charge for non-members, however, it is only £1 per person to join for the year.

This society always has a very interesting and varied programme and the membership fee represents very good value. So come on and join today.

There is still a vacancy for the Village Correspondent, it is a simple but very worthwhile job for someone in the village who is interested in the life of the village.

Many of the club's and societies contact you and all that is needed is for you to write a short report for the Ledbury Reporter and get it either to the local office in Ledbury by Tuesday morning or fax it to Malvern by Wednesday morning for it to be published the following Friday.

If anyone is interested, please contact Mrs Pat Wilkin on 01531 633853 for a chat with no obligation at all. This is a vital service for the village.