ON Sunday, January 13, some 38 people of all ages took part in our fourth Kaleidoscope alternative worship service. We learned some new worship songs, including a solo performed by Peter Fowkes, aged 17, with his own electric guitar accompaniment. Kathryn Hall, a student from Longdon parish studying veterinary medicine at Liverpool University, was interviewed about her life as a student and both the privileges and challenges of being a committed Christian. We later reflected on the implications of the story of Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee, a fascinating picture of God's care for us amid the pressures of our daily lives. Afterwards refreshments were served as people chatted with friends.

Longdon schoolchildren in Years 5 and 6 visited the Anne Frank Exhibition at Worcester Cathedral on Tuesday, January 15. In the morning, small groups were taken round the exhibition by guides who explained some of the background to each display. Children had an opportunity to write a prayer and to reflect on what they had seen. The story of Anne Frank's life was a moving testimony to human courage and determination as well as a chilling reminder of 'man's inhumanity to man'. We were encouraged to make links with the violence and prejudice that still cause much suffering today. In the afternoon the children took part in workshops, including an opportunity to participate in Jewish songs of worship and to sample food eaten at Passover.

On Saturday, January 19, Outer Limits, our benefice church youth group, will be meeting in Longdon Vicarage from 7pm to 9pm for games, food, fellowship and an activity.

Members of Bridge Builders, our benefice Sunday school, are practising hard for their annual Epiphany play, to be performed at the family service in St Mary's Church on January 27. The next session will be on Sunday, January 20, at 11.15am in Longdon Vicarage.

The service in St Mary's Church on Sunday at 6.30pm will be evening prayer, using the Book of Common Prayer. The service will include hymns, canticles, said Psalm and an address.