SUNDAY, January 13, the Parish Communion at St James's Church, Cradley, was well attended. Both Rev Sam and Rev Mike were with us.

The Sunday School children were also with us at the beginning of the service for a while, before leaving us in order to discuss the progress of the Star of Light and its journey westwards before coming to rest over the birthplace of Jesus; after a short prayer they went off to the village hall to "do their own thing". An air of excitement was noticed because after the Sunday School service there was to be a Christmas picnic. This proved to be a tremendous success and a fantastic time was had by both young and older children, also the grown ups who helped to supply all the ingredients for a great party with a well-chosen programme. Rugs were spread on the floor and the party goers sat in groups with a bag of party food each and a hat, trumpet and serviette. The Rev Mike joined them and kept things going in his own inimitable style. There were games after the food and then more games both new and familiar and it was great fun for all who attended. Thanks are due to Di Hames and the Sunday School teachers for their help, ideas and general co-operation.

Looking forward to Easter, it is intended to have another activity day as last year. There was a planning group meeting, at the rectory for a working spaghetti supper on Monday, January 14; this will no doubt lead to other meetings - Sarah Ashton on 01886 880438 would like to hear from you if interested.

Tomorrow (Saturday), Sue Cooper and Diana Harrison will give an illustrated talk entitled Walk the Wall, on their adventures on the Great Wall of China at 7.30pm at Storridge Village Hall. Coffee and biscuits will be provided, donations to the Acorn Children's Hospice Fund.

Local History Classes - Wynell Hunt starts a series of six classes on Wednesday, January 30, at Cradley Village Hall. Aspects of the past life of the village will be explored and there will be opportunities for individual study; cost for the series £18 or £3 per session, payable on arrival. This should be of extreme interest to the present day population of the village and proceeds will benefit the Cradley Village Hall Restoration Fund.

Note - Please do not hesitate to contact me on 01886 880954 with news of interest to readers, forthcoming events in both church or any of the three villages.