CAROLS IN THE BARN: Armed with a torch and wearing as many layers as I decently could, including my husbands worst scenario woolly golf hat, I set out for what I fear could be the last carols in the barn. Getting there early is not a good idea, in view of the intense cold in our medieval barn, with its lofty roof and ventilation slits. Already the rows were filling with excited children, weary parents, friends, neighbours and welcome folk from other villages. Soon, master of ceremonies, David Taylor, began to introduce the participants and the Salvation Army Band struck up the first carol. We enjoyed the Bredon Hand Bell ringers and hummed along with their selection. Michael Cluer and friend entertained us with folk song and guitar and eventually, during the reading of a traditional poem, Father Christmas, stout and jolly, came and went to the delight of us all. A moment of sadness at the announcement of 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing' reminded us that the concert had been arranged by Caroline Allen and other members of the Village Fair Committee in memory of David Reed who had died earlier in the year - that was his favourite carol. More than 400 people streamed out into the darkness, collecting a hot chestnut to warm their hands or to eat on the way home.

PARISH MAGAZINE: January 2002 sees the publication of the parish magazine which is distributed throughout the village of Bredon and its hamlets. Now is the time to thank the editor, Moya Willis, typist, Isabel Masters and all of those unknown and unsung people who print and distribute the magazine through the year. One particularly demanding job is the organising of the advertising which is done by Joan Chew. We thank all these people for their hours of work.

COMPUTER LESSONS: Are you interested in a free introductory course in computing? Perhaps you feel ready for a variety of courses including desktop publishing which would cost as little as £25. For further information please phone 01684 772470 for further information. Finally, may I wish readers a very happy new year. Should you wish to inform me about any happening in Bredon, then telephone 772477.