Barry Hopkins is swapping his false boobs and frilly frocks for the director's chair in this year's pantomime, Babes in the Wood, by the Pheonix Theatre Group.

Barry played Nurse Dora Dumpling in the highly successful Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs last year.

But this time, he's decided to give another 'dame' a chance.

Thirty-five-year-old Barry said: "I had assisted with directing and choreographed before, but had never directed on my own. I am really enjoying the experience and rehearsals are going very well."

The 50-strong cast cannot wait for opening night on Wednesday January 30.

Tickets for the panto, at Evesham Art Centre, which runs until Sunday February 3, are available from The Travel Centre, in Port Street, Evesham,

This year's panto has been written by Pheonix member Nick Rose.