IT was a rum deal for marathon man Andrew Dickens who braved 106 degrees C to complete the Jamaica marathon for charity.

The Wyre Forest District Council leisure chief was aghast to find runners collapsing all around him after a late start to the gruelling run.

However, he still found time to be a Good Samaritan and aid a fellow runner in distress.

He also came a very respectable 105th in an international field - 19th in the over-40 category.

Mr Dickens, 46, hopes to raise £1,000 for diabetes research and controlling its side effects - such as kidney failure which his mother died of.

He said: "I've never experienced anything like it, the heat was incredible - it was only my pride that kept me going to the end.

"People were collapsing from heat exhaustion all around me but I was determined to finish.

"I did help one chap who was in distress and stayed with him until he received attention - by 18 miles I had given up all hope of achieving a respectable time."

The leisure boss came home in four hours 40 mins - more than an hour over his usual time.

"He said: "I won't be running in the heat for a long time!

"I fancy somewhere mild and flat next time - maybe Holland."