I AM somewhat amazed and yet bemused at Councillor Frank Baillie's letter in the Shuttle/Times & News (January 3).

Coming from him, his complaint about Bewdley Town Council doing nothing borders on the hysterical.

Just look at his record to date, and his own modus operandi. It all smells of hypocrisy, and coming from someone who could only get voted in using the hospital banner.

Based on his record to date he would never have made it on his own, as is the case with several others in the area.

I note with interest that he is doing his well-known cynical character assassination, perhaps ready for May and the local government elections.

For the record I would inform Mr Baillie that Rock and Ribbesford parish which he is supposed to represent, lies on the A456 starting at the top of Long Bank, through to Clows Top, and spreads on the left to Ribbesford, Dunley and on the right to the Shropshire border.

Rock and Ribbesford electorate think he is the "scarlet pimpernel" - we seek him here, we seek him there, the electorate seeks him everwhere. Perhaps he will find us one day.

Come back Ken Peers, please.


Organs Hill, Rock