WI adviser Jackie Gregory opened the January meeting and put forward the proposal that the president's duties be shared between Jill Warner and Sue Russell, with Jill being named as president and Sue as vice-president.

This proposal was gratefully received by members as it meant the WI could continue for 2002.

Jill then took the meeting, thanking Jackie for seeing Wythall WI through a difficult time.

Margaret Harrison agreed to be secretary but as there are only six committee members, a lot of support would be needed from members.

This meant the method of organising the hostesses would change and also non-committee members would be needed to organise extra events.

Members agreed to help and there were offers to organise social events and handicrafts.

Classes in quilting, keep-fit and the discussion group are all on-going in the new year and Jo Chandler asked for interested members to form a pantomime group.

The speaker for the evening was Stefanja Gardener, who spoke on Dealing with stress.

She showed how to breathe deeply and how to avoid stressful situations. She played relaxing music and talked so calmly that everyone felt very peaceful.