WHAT a sad and sorry saga Tallow Hill has become.

We have a chief Planning Officer - Peter Yates - reported as saying that the redevelopment scheme "will spark some life into the area... we'll see" (Evening News, January 2).

The strength of his convictions over this outcome was highlighted by his use of the word "maybe"!

Furthermore, he hopes that a few salvaged bits of the former Beehive public house can be incorporated into a new public house but adds "... but we can't force developers to do that."

If only the city officers had held out for a more sensitive and socially-orientated planning brief for this site and listed the Beehive to protect it.

Given its wealth of fittings, etched glass, lantern and terracotta, it is a scandal that requests for this to happen were turned down "because it wasn't felt to be significant."

Then we might today be looking forward to the completion of this redevelopment rather than hoping that the developer will do the right thing.

In Worcester, history has taught us that such optimism usually results in mediocrity.


Claines Lane, Worcester.