PRESIDENT Jean Towler welcomed everyone to the AGM and said Joanne Whitehurst had surgery recently.

Dorothy Radford gave an entertaining report on the recent half yearly WI meeting.

Mrs Pearmain has been the institute treasurer for five years and has done wonderful work. She has retired from that position and was awarded a thank you gift. We are pleased that Pearl Prior has agreed to become treasurer.

The report from former president Pat Meredith gave thanks to all committee members and all members who have helped. The committee members were all re-elected.

The speaker was former secretary Sheila Short who gave an excellent, interesting and entertaining talk on her visit in January 2001 to Rajasthan, India. It was a wonderful holiday and the people she met were all friendly, tolerant, kind, aesthetically pleasing, and beautiful.

The competition to write an original poem to Father Christmas was won by Jetta Reading. Audrey Court was second and Bunty Booth and Maureen Pearmain were joint third.