PRESIDENT Maureen Smith greeted the members with a welcoming glass of sherry at the recent meeting.

Everyone was pleased to see Margaret Cattell returning to the fold after her stay in hospital.

Members wishing to attend the society's annual dinner on January 30 signed up for the event.

A class was approved for the instruction on how to cover boxes. The instructor would be Roma Punt, former president of the Bromsgrove WI.

Entertainment was provided by Sylvia's Girls. They performed two humorous sketches which were received with much laughter. The competition for a Christmas table decoration was won by Chris Pagett.

At the AGM in November, WI advisor Greta Mitchell was welcomed.

Jill Luscombe was thanked for her treasurer's report, the then president, Catherine Kealey, thanked the committee members for their valiant work and support during her year of office.

Del Southall thanked the retiring committee and Margaret Mumford thanked the president.

Maureen Smith was elected president and the retiring committee was re-elected.

Anne Darlow won the competition with her home-made Christmas card. The evening concluded with a quiz.

The institute is planning a garden party in June or July to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee.

The WI made a donation to the Cottage Ward at the Princess of Wales Community Hospital, in Bromsgrove, in memory of Edna Enns. A donation of £118 was made to the MacMillan Nurses thanks to a coffee evening at Doris Passey's house.