READERS will have noted the Malvern Town Council precept for 2002/03 has been reduced marginally over that imposed for 2001/02, to a figure of £815,000 which needs to be put into context.

This small improvement, though welcome, is in no way satisfactory though it does represent a significant step backward (-15%) from that which had been previously proposed. That figure was £919,000, plus inflation, which works out at something near to £960,000.

Some successes have been achieved. Our budgeted staffing level is now 12, compared to the 23 which had been proposed last year, but we are just spending too much.

MTAG members had proposed a precept level of £750,000 for 2002/03. Overall costs can, we are certain, be significantly reduced next year and though we are working with, rather than against other councillor groups, we in MTAG believe the full potential for reductions will only be achieved when we have the voting control which we do not have at present.

COUN KEITH PHILLIPS, leader, MTAG Group of Councillors, Avenue Road, Great Malvern.