WITH the debate over the future of Malvern well and truly joined, and the recovery of the stolen Toposcope as a prompt, we should remember that many who are not able to walk very far may never have the chance to see it in its proper place and enjoy the 'goodliest view in all England'.

At present, disabled access to the summits of the Hills is very limited. This, coupled with the need to improve tourist numbers could be tackled by building a light electric railway.

Before hands go up in horror at the desecration of OUR hills (not the Conservators'), remember that many outstanding scenic viewpoints in the UK and across Europe already have rail access to their summits with minimum visual impact. Most of them were built before the days of planning stasis by Victorian visionaries who saw a need that could be easily met by the new technology of their day.

There are two possible approaches. Either a short and direct steep rack railway from the top of the town like that on the Great Orme (Llandudno), or a longer light tramway starting further out and using the existing quarry tracks like that on Snowdon.

To those who say 'we can't afford it', I state that as a MHDC Council Tax payer, I would rather see money spent on a rail access feasibility study with a view to eventual Lottery funding rather than fancy bus shelters, yet more civic art and golden goodbyes.

ANTHONY HOPWOOD, Holdfast, Upton-upon-Severn.