PARISH WALKS: The first organised walk of 2002 will be on January 13. Meeting at the Jubilee seat at 2pm for a three to four mile leisurely walk.

WEDNESDAY CLUB: The last talk for 2001 was a most interesting talk with slides on Eight English Cathedrals by Peter Gale. The year ended with the Christmas lunch when about 60 members and friends visited the De La Bere Hotel at Southam. The next meeting will be on January 9.

MOBILE POLICE STATION: The new mobile police station recently allotted to the North Cotswolds has visited Willersey for the first time. The rural beat officer accompanied by the neighbourhood watch field officer were on hand to answer questions and offer advice. The mobile vehicle will be visiting most Cotswold villages twice monthly from January, advance notice will be given.

TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP: Members heard an interesting talk by Mr Thorold on Hearing Dogs for Deaf people and with the help of colour slides learnt of the organisation and the training of the dogs. The first meeting of the new year will be on January 8 in the Methodist Church schoolroom.

EPIPHANY PARTY: Arrangements for the annual St Peter's Church Epiphany party are well in hand. This will be held in the village hall on January 12 and tickets are available at both village shops.

SENIOR CITIZENS PARTY: The annual party was again thoroughly enjoyed when about 100 residents sat down to a most excellent hot meal with wine and mince pies. Entertainment was provided by Phil Simpson and his friends with songs, music and verse.

VILLAGE HALL: Plans have been prepared and submitted for planning consent for the proposed improvements and at its January meeting the management committee will be discussing these and the fund raising which has to be done to enable the work to be put in hand. The first fund raising event will be the annual coffee morning on February 2.

ST PETER'S CHURCH: The Christmas Fayre held in the village hall was again well attended and raised the sum of £625. The parochial Church Council thanks all those who attended and those who helped in so many different ways.

CAROLS FOR ALL: The now traditional event in the village hall enjoyed the carol singing, readings, sketches and the hand bell ringing and band. Prayers were said by Reverend David Vince of St Peter's and Reverend Stephen Mullings of the Methodist Church.

CHILDREN IN NEED: The sum of £314 was raised at the enjoyable evening at The Bell Inn for as Paying to Play programme of shove ha'penny, draughts, crib, darts, quoits - the old pub games. Mal Jelfs and her fellow organisers wish to thank all who supported the event and those who took part.