WYRE Forest Business Club would like to acknowledge the huge support of the public for the Christmas Tree Appeal.

Donations for this year amounted to more than 500 gifts.

Heartfelt thanks and appreciation go to the people of Kidderminster and district for their participation and generosity, especially the pensioners who gave what they could, and the youngsters who volunteered a contribution to their less fortunate peers.

They guaranteed that deserving children in the Wyre Forest area received a visit from Santa.

The Christmas Tree Appeal, run jointly with the Shuttle/Times and News, proved to be a winner.

Thanks go to staff at the newspaper, the Hansel and Gretel Unit who distributed the presents and the volunteers, especially non-committee members, who donated substantial time and effort to ensure the success of such a worthwhile venture.

We are also grateful to Margaret Moon and all the staff at the Swan Centre for their help and total support at a time when seasonal pressures on them were at their maximum. Their labour was justly rewarded.

The business club has been delighted to maintain its links with the community by undertaking this successful appeal for the first time this year.

There are already plans afoot to ensure an even more successful appeal next year.


Wyre Forest Business Club