WELL now, isn't that a surprise?

So all the consultants within the Worcestershire Health Authority, who once tugged their forelocks and bowed the knee to Musgrove and his crew over the downgrading of Kidderminster Hospital, have now changed their minds.

Now that the people once treated in Kidderminster have ended up in their hospitals, on their waiting lists, taking up their patients' beds, and forcing their patients to wait even longer for treatment, suddenly it's not such a good idea.

What in hell's name did these purportedly clever men think was going to happen?

Were we in Kidderminster and district not supposed to get sick any more?

Were we expected to simply slink away and quietly expire in the empty wards of our once brilliant hospital?

Musgrove and his ilk are money men and paper shufflers.

But I really did give the elite of the medical profession a little more oil in their lamps.

Can we now expect these newly enlightened medical eminences to put pen to paper and write to the health minister and admit they were wrong, and state that Kidderminster Hospital should be returned to its original status?

Now that really would be a surprise.


Springfield Lane
