DEAR EDITOR - Having read several letters in your paper with regard to local policing levels I feel that its important that local people know the facts about the service West Mercia Constabulary provides.

Firstly, Bromsgrove Police Station has not closed, it has officers working out of the station 24 hours a day. People calling at the station can expect minimum guarantee opening times of 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

This refers to the counter clerk service, and not police officers; further cover is provided at both weekends and in the evening whenever possible. When the counter service is not in operation, a phone has been provided outside the station for members of the public to contact the police control room with their enquiry.

Secondly, an office is used by my officers at The Dock, Catshill. These officers have specific responsibility for the local policing within the Catshill area and having the use of an office on their beat ensures that they are able to spend more time policing their community, rather than returning to the main police station to complete administrative duties.

Thirdly, I accept that there will be occasions when we are unable to respond immediately to calls from members of the public, therefore West Mercia has adopted an incident grading system, which means the level of police response is based on the prevailing circumstances for each individual incident.

If the incident is ongoing over a period of time, then this will be referred to the Local Policing Team for action.

Finally, may I reassure your readers that as the police sergeant with responsibility for the Bromsgrove North Sector, which takes in the town centre, Sidemoor, Catshill, and surrounding villages, my team of officers and I want to provide a quality service, by locally based officers, who will take ownership of local problems and work with agencies to find long term solutions wherever possible.

To this end, I would encourage any members of the public, and in particular, "Flabbergasted" of Bromsgrove, who have ongoing police issues, or ones which may not have been resolved satisfactorily and with which we can help, to contact me directly or my beat manager.

Sergeant Michael Patz,

Bromsgrove North Sector

Constable Mark Cox,

Beat Manager,

Bromsgrove North Sector,

West Mercia Constabulary.