STONE WI - A Christmas party was held on December 3, when Muriel Owen reported on the shopping trip to Oxford.

Pat Farr reported on a performance of Camelot produced by an amateur society at the newly refurbished Chaddesley Corbett hall.

A Christmas cake made by Sue Potter was raffled for charity, raising £15.

The evening's guest was Mervyn Silcox, who presented a musical quiz, with the promise of dinner for two as first prize.

Members had to identify old-fashioned tunes by three or four notes which he played on his keyboard.

Margaret Mills claimed first prize, which turned out to be a cauliflower and a packet of cheese sauce.

Other prizes were breakfast for one (a grapefruit and eggs), a bag of sprouts, and chocolate bars.

The competition for the best Christmas cracker was jointly won by Sue Potter and Helen Johnston.

The next meeting will be on January 7 when the competition will be A favourite recipe for using left-overs.